During one of his missionary journeys St. Paul visited Ephesus in Turkey.
He stays in the city about three years (Acts 19:1-20). In Ephesus Paul discovers twelve believers who were baptized but who did'nt as yet have God's spirit. Paul baptizes them in His name and they receive God's Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1-7).
In looking at the letters to the 7 Churches, we see the Lord speaking directly to the 7 Churches
that existed in the Holy land at the time John lived. We also see the Lord's opinion of those Churches, and what they were doing at the time: Ephesus, Pergamon, Laodicea, Sardis, Thyatira, Smyrna, Philadelphia churches.
Turkey is called the Other Holy Land as it has more biblical sites than any other country in the Middle East. Antioch - the place where the followers of Jesus were first called Christians; Tarsus - where Apostle Paul was born and many others..
Biblical Tour Guide is a web site where we share with you our
knowledge and offer you our top services. Here you can find
information about the history of ancient Turkey, about biblical
sites to visit in Turkey and Greece, major Christian Saints,
missionary journeys of St. Paul and Seven Churches of St. John.
Biblical Tour Guide provides you will all necessary details for
arranging your biblical tour in Turkey and Greece: customization
of the tour program according to your arrival date and time,
hiring of professional guide knowledgeable in religion, hotel
and vehicle arrangement.
St. Paul, one of the most important early Christian missionaries, was born in 10 CE, in the Cilician city of Tarsus. His writings considerably formed the New Testament, through his missionary activity he essentially changed the religious belief in the Mediterranean region. Jesus called him "Saul" in confronting him for persecuting the Christians: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? [Acts 9:4].
During his life St. Paul carried out 5 missionary journeys.
Knowledge of the life of St. John of Patmos (also known as the 'Theologian' or the 'Divine'), the author of the Book of Revelation, which includes the letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor, mostly comes from apocryphal stories recorded after his death. Christian tradition identifies him with Other New Testament figures of the same name, St. John the Evangelist, the traditional author of the Fourth Gospel who is also claimed to be St. John the Apostle.
All the churches are located in the Aegean region of modern
Turkey and they are: Ephesus, Pergamon, Smyrna, Thyatira,
Philadelphia, Sardis, Laodicea..
Turkey is called the Other Holy Land as it has more biblical sites than any other country in the Middle East. Unfortunately many Christians are unaware of Turkey unique role in the Bible because Biblical references works usually refer to this strategic peninsula, that bounded by the.
Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Seas, as Asia Minor or Anatolia. Turkey is very important in understanding the background of the New Testament, because approximately two-thirds of its books were written either to or from churches in Turkey where the three major apostle Peter, St. Paul, and St. John either ministered or lived in...
Ephesus was an ancient city located in southwestern Asia, in what is today western Turkey. The New Testament book of Ephesians, an epistle by the apostle Paul, was written to the church at Ephesus. The city has also been famous as the home of one of The Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation. Paul first visited the city about 51 A.D., while returning from Greece to Syria (Acts 18:18-21). Paul returned to Ephesus on his Third Missionary Journey, this time he remained for about three years, gaining such popularity that "all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of The Lord." (Acts 19:10 NIV). The apostle John, according to one tradition, spent many years in Ephesus, while caring for Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.